Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mannequin couture

In Haute Couture and tailor the design of high-end individual sales potential mannequin couture has been shown to increase significantly. Mannequin that serves public perception about the white dress and shows how customer, lead do 2 things:

can customers to see clothing
This creates an affinity for products that otherwise would not exist.

If not, ideally, the mannequins every Field can be tailor-made and design shops, fashion style, dresses?

Many believe that they are expensive custom mannequin. It is a myth. It is possible for all fields of private, mannequin in a normal dummy to make retail. Mannequins are ideal times to cut and style of dress, and is equivalent to visual merchandising strategy.

Mannequin to communicate with potential clients demonstrate the creation of linkages with the target group, you can see Your element even in the doll. It also allows retailers, various concepts of fashion for individuals with the purpose to promote the end of sale.

If a message must teach clothing wholesaler tried to be logical, mannequin. You Dummies finally important points of sale and make a sale to You or sent to the user. All of the following must be considered to ensure that their party with the demographic data you have.

The Pose
The Size Of The
Style (overview, vintage, modern/color)
Attributes of the target market